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Solution provider

Best service for the optimal solution

Complete your solution with services from JUMO. Thanks to professional calibration, commissioning and configuration of the entire system, your plant will reliably deliver the optimum result. You can also benefit from our know-how, which we are happy to pass on to you so that you can independently monitor and optimize your processes. Should you nevertheless reach your limits, our support team will be on hand by phone or on site.


JUMO solution made easy

The icing on the cake of your solution: the smart JUMO Care service package includes telephone support and remote maintenance, and guarantees maximum support in everyday industrial life. If required, the power package can be individually tailored to customer needs and can also include on-site appointments.
Ultimately, your success is what matters most! That is why the aim is to create space and perspectives for your core business – for your industry and entirely according to your requirements – with perfectly functioning systems and smoothly running processes.

  • Installation and functional safety
  • Quick and easy start
  • Reduced to the essentials

Comprehensive know-how for your solution

JUMO Engineering

Do you need support in designing and implementing your solution? Benefit from the combined knowledge and industry experience of our engineering team, which will support you in developing a customized solution. We place particular emphasis on personal support and advice from the initial contact through to series production.

Find out more!

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