Digitization is moving forward

Let your data take off!

Cloud computing has long since found its way into the private sphere. In the industrial sector, however, it is much more important to have access to measurement and process data from anywhere. With cloud solutions, data silos and complicated data transfer are finally a thing of the past. Get to know the IoT platform from JUMO, with which you can visualize, monitor, and analyze your plants, processes, and measurement data from anywhere in the world via all common browsers.

With the JUMO Cloud you can rely on secure connections.

With the JUMO Cloud you can rely on secure connections.

From sensor to Cloud

Complete sensor and automation solutions

JUMO offers you the complete solution for your application: from sensors and transmitters to controllers and automation systems such as JUMO variTRON. JUMO variTRON is also the gateway to the JUMO Cloud and uses the secure MQTTS protocol.


Your data. On your server. On your network

If you prefer to store your data yourself, that's no problem either. With JUMO smartWARE SCADA, we offer you a software solution that is based on the JUMO Cloud and therefore shares many features with it. In addition, there are many other interfaces and protocols such as Modbus, BACNet, OPC UA, and many more. Register with the JUMO Cloud and get a free demo of our IoT solutions.

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JUMO smartWARE SCADA on a tablet

JUMO smartWARE SCADA offers the advantages of the JUMO Cloud within your company­network

Plants, processes and measurement data clearly displayed

Analyses and reports easier than ever

Create individual dashboards of your assets, processes and measurement data. This way, you always have the most important information at a glance. In addition to visualizations, you also benefit from analysis functions and the simple creation of reports, which significantly reduces your previous data evaluation effort. By the way, the number of users is unlimited. You don't just want to monitor, but actively control your processes via the IoT platform. That's no problem either!

Users of the JUMO Cloud can create individual dashboards.

Users of the JUMO Cloud can create individual dashboards.

Clear alarm and standby planning with the JUMO Cloud.

Clear alarm and standby planning with the JUMO Cloud.

Alarms and readiness

Notification by e-mail, SMS and telephone

With the JUMO Cloud, you always have the system under control. JUMO Cloud provides convenient alarm and standby scheduling. You can also be notified by email, SMS and telephone of value overruns, shortfalls and other events. Alarm cascades can of course be defined.

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